Food Pantry near

Online and Virtual Assistance

Our Community First Food Pantries are designed to provide members of our community who are facing food insecurity essential non-perishable items in accessible and trusted locations throughout San Antonio and surrounding counties.

The mission of Community First Food Pantries is to help in the fight against food insecurity by supplying food and other items without barriers for those in immediate need while acting as a catalyst, inspiring others to give alongside us. 

Our vision is a Community First Food Pantry in every local community, so those in need can access food and other items when needed.

Our Food Pantries are designed with several unique features to help achieve our mission and vision.

  • 24/7 Access
  • Free Standing, Weather-proof, and located outdoors
  • 100 % Free, no registration needed

Click here for a complete list and map of Community First pantries.


Brennan Loy
(210) 227-2347
Updated within the last 4 months.

Click here to see our full directory.

Services listed include:

  • Hotlines & Helplines
  • Addiction & Recovery
  • Children & Youth Services
  • Family Crisis & Domestic Abuse
  • Veterans & Military Services
  • Food Banks
  • Disability Services
  • Senior Services
  • Homeless, Housing, Rent & Bill Assistance
  • Social Services
  • Mental, Behavioral, Physical Health
  • Historic Dance Halls 
  • Transportation 
  • Ministry / Religion
Updated within the last 3 months.

Sharing with our neighbors in need.

Monday: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 9:30 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Updated within the last 1 month.

The Little Church of La Villita is a non-denominational Church located in the Historic La Villita Village in downtown San Antonio.

We are an active Church with ongoing projects such as a food pantry, clothing distribution, annual Thanksgiving Basket distribution, and availability for rental of the Church for religious ceremonies such as weddings, baptisms, etc. We also have a retail presence in La Villitathe Starving Artist Art Gallery.


Sunday Worship: 11:00 AM
Updated within the last 1 month.

Grocery services are available to each family once every two months.


  • Valid Photo ID
  • Proof of residency
  • Social Security Card for everyone in the family (If there is an issue, we can offer a grace period on the first visit.)
Monday: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Diane Trujillo
(210) 223-6648
Updated within the last 5 months.

Project HOPE (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly) The Project HOPE program is a city funded program through the City of San Antonio. This program provides seniors living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly bases to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program offers between 35-45 lbs of perishable/non-perishable food. Exact contents vary, though items selected would include fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable produce, proteins, dairy, grains, peanut butter or beans.

Click here for more information. 

Criteria for Project HOPE

Age qualification: 

The seniors must be 60 years of age and older and be within 185% of the federal poverty guidelines to participate in the program. All participants must reside within Bexar County. Each qualifying senior in a household can sign up separately to receive the program.

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address (Utility bill)
  • Proof of income (SSI award letter or current paystubs)

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


4th Friday of the Month *Times Vary, it is Door Delivery Service Please call ahead for date, time and availability.
Kenneth White
(210) 477-6611
Erica Gonzalez Send email
(210) 431-8339
Updated within the last 4 months.

The A.R. Nelson Christian Outreach Center, a Ministry of Bethel AME Church, provides food, clothing and pantry to needy individuals and families in the community.

Food and clothing are distributed on a monthly basis based on family size. Every effort is made to include food items that are healthy and nutritious.

Clients select clothing items from the men’s, women’s and/or children’s sections depending upon their family make-up.

 Prayer and spiritual fellowship are available to all.

Located at the south end of Beasley Brown Community Center


Tuesdays and Thursdays - 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Madelyn Johnson Send email
(210) 227-2696

Feeding the hungry is a priority at St. Paul United Methodist Church.  Our Food Pantry is supported by individual contributions from our church family, volunteers, and community members.  Volunteers are needed to serve our clients, unload, stock shelves, prepare food bags, and prepare for each week's opening and closing.  Interested volunteers may contact the church office for more information at [email protected].

Valid ID required.

We Need Your Support:

To support us in this ministry, you can donate here: DONATE.


Interested volunteers may contact the church office for more information at [email protected].

For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, Matthew 25:35.

There are no fees to receive assistance from the Food Pantry.

Food Pantry Hours Wednesday 1:00pm thru 3:00pm (unless the church office is closed)

Project HOPE (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly) The Project HOPE program is a city funded program through the City of San Antonio. This program provides seniors living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly bases to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program offers between 35-45 lbs of perishable/non-perishable food. Exact contents vary, though items selected would include fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable produce, proteins, dairy, grains, peanut butter or beans.

Click here for more information. 

Criteria for Project HOPE:

Age qualification: 

The seniors must be 60 years of age and older and be within 185% of the federal poverty guidelines to participate in the program. All participants must reside within Bexar County. Each qualifying senior in a household can sign up separately to receive the program.

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address (Utility bill)
  • Proof of income (SSI award letter or current paystubs)

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


2nd Wednesday of the Month Please call ahead for time/date and availability.
Sarah Intriago
(210) 477-6654
Erica Gonzalez Send email
(210) 431-8339
Updated within the last 4 months.

Project HOPE (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly) The Project HOPE program is a city funded program through the City of San Antonio. This program provides seniors living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly bases to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program offers between 35-45 lbs of perishable/non-perishable food. Exact contents vary, though items selected would include fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable produce, proteins, dairy, grains, peanut butter or beans.

Click here for more information. 

Criteria for Project HOPE:

Age qualification: 

The seniors must be 60 years of age and older and be within 185% of the federal poverty guidelines to participate in the program. All participants must reside within Bexar County. Each qualifying senior in a household can sign up separately to receive the program.

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address (Utility bill)
  • Proof of income (SSI award letter or current paystubs)

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


1st Thursday of the Month Please call ahead as times vary and may be Door Delivery Service only.
Kenneth White
(210) 477-6527
Erica Gonzalez Send email
(210) 431-8339
Updated within the last 4 months.

We pass out food every 2nd and 4th Friday.

Registration is the first Friday of every month, but you can still get food if you have not registered for the month.

ID required


2nd and 4th Fridays Registration: 11:30 AM Numbers passed out: 12:30 PM Food Distribution begins: 1:00 PM
John Hardemon
(210) 533-7131
Updated within the last 3 months.

In partnership with the San Antonio Food Bank, this program provides emergency food assistance to families and single households in the community.

Must present a valid ID.

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

While supplies last. No appointment is necessary.
Updated within the last 1 month.

Our Community First Food Pantries are designed to provide members of our community who are facing food insecurity essential non-perishable items in accessible and trusted locations throughout San Antonio and surrounding counties.

The mission of Community First Food Pantries is to help in the fight against food insecurity by supplying food and other items without barriers for those in immediate need while acting as a catalyst, inspiring others to give alongside us. 

Our vision is a Community First Food Pantry in every local community, so those in need can access food and other items when needed.

What is a Community First Food Pantry?

  • 24/7 Access - Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and freely accessible to all, removing barriers to food access.
  • Free-Standing, Weather-Proof, and Conveniently Located Outdoors - Maintenance and up keep provided by Community First.
  • 100% Free - No Cost, No Registration, No Sign-Up. Take what is needed and give back what and when you can.

We are always looking for new locations where our Food Pantries could benefit community members. If your organization would like to house a Food Pantry on its grounds, please fill out our Food Pantry Request Form.

How Can You Help?

  • Stop by one of our Food Pantry locations when it’s convenient for you and drop off needed non-perishable donation(s).
  • Volunteer your site to house a Food Pantry.
  • Contact Us for other ways you can help.


Brennan Loy
(210) 227-2347
Updated within the last 4 months.

Take what you need, Give what you can.

We Accept:

  • Food
  • Hygiene Poducts
  • Books
  • Clothes

Open 24/7.

Monetary donations can be made via:

  • Venmo @freelittlepantrysa
  • Cashapp $freelittlepantrysa
  • Or email us or DM us on IG @freelittlepantrysa

We also have a Little Free Library at this location.


Summer & Kim Vinton Send email
Updated within the last 1 month.

Projects HOPE provides senior citizens living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly basis to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program provides approximately 50-60 pounds of food to qualifying seniors each month. Food is chosen to accommodate the special dietary needs of the senior population and includes produce, protein, whole grains, and staples that will help the seniors live healthy and independent lives.

Project HOPE is funded by the City of San Antonio Department of Human Services

Criteria for Project HOPE:

Age qualification: 60 or older

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of income

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


1st Wednesday of the Month: 8:00 AM *Includes Cheese Box, Times may Vary
Gabriella Martinez Send email
(210) 380-0526
Project HOPE Send email
Updated within the last 4 months.
1.32 miles away, 810 N Frio, San Antonio, TX, 78207 , D5

Project HOPE (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly) The Project HOPE program is a city funded program through the City of San Antonio. This program provides seniors living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly bases to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program offers between 35-45 lbs of perishable/non-perishable food. Exact contents vary, though items selected would include fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable produce, proteins, dairy, grains, peanut butter or beans.

Click here for more information. 

Criteria for Project HOPE:

Age qualification: 

The seniors must be 60 years of age and older and be within 185% of the federal poverty guidelines to participate in the program. All participants must reside within Bexar County. Each qualifying senior in a household can sign up separately to receive the program.

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address (Utility bill)
  • Proof of income (SSI award letter or current paystubs)

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


3rd Wednesday of the Month Please call ahead for time/date and availability.
Rosa Loera
(210) 226-5377
Erica Gonzalez Send email
(210) 431-8339
Updated within the last 4 months.

Project HOPE (Healthy Options Program for the Elderly) The Project HOPE program is a city funded program through the City of San Antonio. This program provides seniors living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly bases to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program offers between 35-45 lbs of perishable/non-perishable food. Exact contents vary, though items selected would include fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable produce, proteins, dairy, grains, peanut butter or beans.

Criteria for Project HOPE:

Age qualification: The seniors must be 60 years of age and older and be within 185% of the federal poverty guidelines to participate in the program. All participants must reside within Bexar County. Each qualifying senior in a household can sign up separately to receive the program.

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address (Utility bill)
  • Proof of income ( SSI award letter or current paystubs)

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


1st Friday of the Month
Erica Gonzalez Send email
(210) 431-8339
Updated within the last 4 months.

BTLOP has a food pantry and consistently, on a monthly basis, partners with the San Antonio Food Bank to provide food to clients, regardless of race, creed or color.

The food distributed to the clients include items that will provide a balanced meal for the family. The bags given to clients contain fresh vegetables and fruit, meat, bread and non-perishable food items. In 2018, over 2800 people were served and over 2750 were served in 2019.

Food bags are also available upon request by appointment by calling the office phone number 210-487-8268.


  • General Application with household information and income.
  • Government Assistance received, if any.


4th Thursday of the Month: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM January through October and the third Thursday in November and December. *Every Tuesday we will be taking appointments by phone. Please call 210-815-9261.
George Casey
Carol Harper
(210) 815-9261
Updated within the last 1 month.

Sharing with neighbors in need.


Fourth Thursday of the Month: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM *In November & December services are moved to the Third Thursday
Rev. Dr. Paul G. Wilkinson, Sr.
(210) 534-3521

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society's work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those served. Society recognizes that it must also assume the role of advocating for those who are defenseless or voiceless. 

Services Offered:

  • Food Pantry
  • Home Visits

Must reside within parish boundary.

Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Thursday: CLOSED
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Sunday: CLOSED

Isabel Avila
Updated within the last 2 months.

Our pantry provides families with nutritious food including canned goods and other groceries. These items come from donations that have been given by the MCCSA community, our friends and neighbors, and the San Antonio Food Bank.

We work hard to offer our friends and neighbors a helping hand, shared with love and courtesy.

If you are interested in being a part of this vital ministry by either donating or volunteering, or if you would like more information, please contact the church office by phone or email.

Click here to donate.


Saturdays following the First and third Thursday of each month from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Must be in line no later than 11:30 AM.
Rev Marsha Warren Send email
(210) 472-3597
Shirly Conquest
(210) 472-3597
Updated within the last year

Our Community First Food Pantries are designed to provide members of our community who are facing food insecurity essential non-perishable items in accessible and trusted locations throughout San Antonio and surrounding counties.

The mission of Community First Food Pantries is to help in the fight against food insecurity by supplying food and other items without barriers for those in immediate need while acting as a catalyst, inspiring others to give alongside us. 

Our vision is a Community First Food Pantry in every local community, so those in need can access food and other items when needed.

What is a Community First Food Pantry?

  • 24/7 Access - Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day and freely accessible to all, removing barriers to food access.
  • Free-Standing, Weather-Proof, and Conveniently Located Outdoors - Maintenance and up keep provided by Community First.
  • 100% Free - No Cost, No Registration, No Sign-Up. Take what is needed and give back what and when you can.

We are always looking for new locations where our Food Pantries could benefit community members. If your organization would like to house a Food Pantry on its grounds, please fill out our Food Pantry Request Form.

How Can You Help?

  • Stop by one of our Food Pantry locations when it’s convenient for you and drop off needed non-perishable donation(s).
  • Volunteer your site to house a Food Pantry.
  • Contact Us for other ways you can help.


Brennan Loy
(210) 227-2347
Updated within the last 4 months.

We are helping neighbors in need. Our pantry operates in partnership with the San Antonio Food Bank.


  • Valid ID
  • Proof of Residency (i.e., utility bill)
  • Application with household members and information


Wednesday: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Olga Mares
(210) 226-5223
1.54 miles away, 524 Ruiz St, San Antonio, TX, 78207 , D5

Living Water Faith Church (LWFC) has an opportunity to minister to parolees three times a week and one of their needs is food. Many parolees have very little money and no food. LWFC has partnered with Daily Bread Ministries who provide food free-of-charge. Each week with their own funds, LWFC purchases chicken, beef and pork franks to supplement what they get from food banks. The San Antonio Metro District Parole Office has more than 1,000 parolees who have to report each month and over 40 parolees and their families are receiving food from LWFC.

In addition to parolees, LWFC provides food to the community surrounding the church, where they find the elderly and single mothers who support on average four children who also desperately need food assistance. Pastor Lucio uses this opportunity to minister to them God's message of redemption and hope. Some are now attending LWFC services and have expressed gratitude and a renewed relationship with God.


Program dates and times vary, please call for the latest updates.
Albert Lucio
Updated within the last 1 month.

This is the First Registered Little Free Library and Pantry in San Antonio and close to the oldest public housing complex in town, Alazan Apache Courts. It is located at 816 S Colorado, between El Paso and Guadalupe Streets.

We Accept:

  • Non perishables
  • Hygeine products
  • Books

We do not have a refrigerator.

We also have a Little Free Library at this location.


Updated within the last 1 month.

Grace Avenue Church partnered with LRC serve the community at JT Brackenridge Elementary.

3rd Saturday of Month: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Alex Fleming
(361) 317-2219
Updated within the last year

Our Community First Food Pantries are designed to provide members of our community who are facing food insecurity essential non-perishable items in accessible and trusted locations throughout San Antonio and surrounding counties.

The mission of Community First Food Pantries is to help in the fight against food insecurity by supplying food and other items without barriers for those in immediate need while acting as a catalyst, inspiring others to give alongside us. 

Our vision is a Community First Food Pantry in every local community, so those in need can access food and other items when needed.

What is a Community First Food Pantry?

  • 24/7 Access - Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, and freely accessible to all, removing barriers to food access.
  • Free-Standing, Weather-Proof, and Conveniently Located Outdoors
  • Maintenance and upkeep are provided by Community First.
  • 100% Free - No Cost, No Registration, No Sign-Up. Take what you need and give back what and when you can.

We are always looking for new locations where our Food Pantries could benefit community members. If your organization would like to house a Food Pantry on its grounds, please fill out our Food Pantry Request Form.

How Can You Help?

  • Stop by one of our Food Pantry locations when it’s convenient for you and drop off needed non-perishable donation(s).
  • Volunteer your site to house a Food Pantry.
  • Contact Us for other ways you can help.
Brennan Loy
(210) 227-2347
Updated within the last 4 months.
1.68 miles away, 1819 N Main, San Antonio, TX, 78212 , D1

The Alamo Colleges are hosting Pop-Up Markets in collaboration with the San Antonio Food Bank to provide healthy food to students, employees, and the surrounding community through no-contact, drive-through events.

Students and employees may participate at any location. All participants must register in advance.

To find out when the next Pop Up Market is happening and to pre-register, call the San Antonio Food Bank at 210-431-8326.


  • Pop Up Market available for Students, Faculty, and Staff from any Alamo College.
  • Must pre-register at 210-431-8326.
  • Drive-Thru Food Distribution.

If you are an employee of ACD and are interested in Volunteering, click here.

Students or partners can volunteer here.

(210) 431-8326
Updated within the last week

Palo Alto College and the San Antonio Food Bank partner to provide healthy food to students, employees, and the surrounding community.

Community members may access the pantry twice per month.


Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Updated within the last 4 months.

We are hunger fighters.

For nearly forty years, Our Lord’s Table food pantry, a fruitful partnership amongst St. Paul’s, the neighborhood, and the San Antonio Food Bank, has contributed to hunger relief for thousands of San Antonio’s most impoverished.

Our Lord’s Table is a direct connection of taking our experience of Christ in the Eucharist to serving him in the poor. Volunteers from the parish and the neighborhood gather twice a month at the church to distribute groceries to over one hundred families.

There is a continuing need for funds to purchase food from the San Antonio Food Bank for distribution to those with food insecurity in St. Paul’s immediate neighborhoods. If you can contribute to this hallmark ministry of St. Paul’s, please designate your gift to “Our Lord’s Table,” and the parish treasurer will acknowledge it. Your generosity and willingness to take action are critical to the continued success of this ministry.

Click here to donate.

This program assists families living in these zip codes: 78208, 78209, and 78215.

In the St Paul’s Episcopal Church Pavilion (across the parking lot from the church office)

Contact the church office with any questions or volunteer: [email protected] or 210-226-0345.


1st & 3rd Saturday of each Month: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Ken Olson Send email
Updated within the last 2 months.

In the Scriptures, Christ calls us to be good stewards of our gifts and share with those less fortunate. For this reason, we have established a food pantry to help our fellow brothers and sisters with their immediate needs.

Those in need can receive gifts of nonperishable food items donated by our congregation and surrounding business and community leaders.

The Lord continues to provide for us in this ministry, but we always need help. To donate, you may bring items to church on Sunday or drop them by the office during regular office hours.


Monday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

Dave Murillo Send email

The Project HOPE program is a city funded program through the City of San Antonio. This program provides seniors living on a fixed income with supplemental staple groceries on a monthly bases to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

The program offers between 35-45 lbs of perishable/non-perishable food. Exact contents vary, though items selected would include fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable produce, proteins, dairy, grains, peanut butter or beans.

Click here for more information. 

Criteria for Project HOPE:

Age qualification: 

The seniors must be 60 years of age and older and be within 185% of the federal poverty guidelines to participate in the program. All participants must reside within Bexar County. Each qualifying senior in a household can sign up separately to receive the program.

Required documents:

  • Valid ID
  • Proof of address (Utility bill)
  • Proof of income (SSI award letter or current paystubs)

Click here to find if you meet the income qualification.


1st Thursday of the Month *Includes Cheese Box (Please call ahead to confirm)
Erica Gonzalez Send email
(210) 431-8339
Updated within the last 4 months.