San Antonio Community Resource Directory

Psychological Assessment can serve a range of needs. The essential function of assessment, however, is to provide you with a clearer understanding of whether you have an emotional disorder, what that specific disorder might be, and what interventions might be recommended.

I see two different kinds of assessment engagements: diagnostic assessments and personality assessments.

Diagnostic assessments are the most common and serve simply to determine whether the client has any kind of emotional disturbance that could interfere with occupational functioning. This need arises in the context of applications for adoption, law enforcement/security work, and other role determinations. A typical engagement would entail one or two sessions of 1-1 interviewing plus administration of any indicated psychological tests (e.g. the MMPI).

Personality assessments are called on to gain a clearer picture of the dynamics underlying an obvious area of dysfunction. I practice personality assessment using a style known as Therapeutic Assessment (TA). TA is a powerful innovation in the assessment field.

A TA engagement begins with an agenda-setting meeting and is followed by 2-3 sessions of psychological testing using objective personality measures (e.g. the Personality Assessment Inventory, PAI or MMPI-2-RF) and projective measures (e.g. the Thematic Apperception Test, TAT or Rorschach Inkblot Method, RIM). The engagement produces a feedback letter summarizing the findings and recommendations discussed.

Ages 18+.

Click here to schedule a consultation.

The cost of an assessment engagement varies depending on your specific needs. Diagnostic assessments may run between $250-400 whereas personality assessments range from $800-1200. I would be able to offer an estimate after an initial meeting to discuss the scope of your needs.

Insurance Accepted:

  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  • Tricare (Authorized Provider)

I can also provide you with a Superbill.

Updated within the last 2 months.