San Antonio Community Resource Directory
12.43 miles away, 5310 Stahl Rd, San Antonio, TX, 78247 , D10

If you need to reach out to someone during this time, call the AA Hotline (210-828-6235) and you will be connected to help.

Click here to find times and other details of all meetings in the greater San Antonio area.

Click here for a list of meetings that are currently being held virtually.

Click here for a list of all Spanish-speaking meetings.

If you need books, chips, etc., please stop by the Bookshop, or call (210) 821-6325 and we will ship.

Closed Meetings are for A.A. members only, or for those who have a drinking problem and have a desire to stop drinking.

24 Hour Hotline (210) 828-6235.

24 Hour Hotline-Spanish (210) 409-8524.

This meeting is in person and held at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church.

Monday night's meeting is a closed Big Book Study.

Thursday night's meeting is a closed Discussion.

There are no dues or fees for AA membership.

Monday: 7:00 PM Thursday: 7:00 PM
Updated within the last 3 months.