Gabriella's Gifts is part of Gabriella's Smile Foundation, which focuses on providing children with cancer and their families in San Antonio area hospitals with an opportunity to experience joy and smiles in the midst of their difficult journey.
Gabriella received gifts all the time. During radiation, as she struggled to get through the 33 days of her treatment, our friends collected something special for her to open every day. She had enough gifts to open one daily after she came home from her treatment. She also received weekly packages with toys and gifts that brought a much-needed smile to her face. While in the hospital, she received presents nearly every day. Gabriella would often pick out treats from her big stash and donate them to the prize room in the hospital.
We are committed to providing support to families in San Antonio who are in the hospital. Whether it is backpacks for their children at the beginning of the school year, a warm meal, a gift card for coffee, a gas card, or a gift on special holidays, we want to fill this need.
To qualify, families must have a child who has been diagnosed with cancer and is currently receiving treatment in San Antonio.
Monday: CLOSED |
Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM |
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM |
Friday: CLOSED |
Saturday: CLOSED |
Sunday: CLOSED |