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"We provide free expert advice and support for homeowners in all stages of mortgage delinquency."

You’re not alone. Let our experts help you discover the best foreclosure prevention options for you and your home.

As scary as it may feel to fall behind on your rent or mortgage, there are steps you can take and programs you can use to rehabilitate your loan, repair your relationship with your landlord, and keep you in your home. Foreclosure and eviction counseling is offered free to any homeowner or renter concerned about their ability to manage their monthly mortgage or rent payments and is a great first step on the road to rehabilitation.

Foreclosure and eviction counseling includes a one-on-one conversation with a trained specialist. You’ll work together with your counselor, discussing the cause of your issues, reviewing your finances, and deciding on an action plan to help you meet your goals. Since MMI is not a lender, we do not provide consumer loans. We can, however, if needed, help connect you with a lender or mortgage servicer to begin the rehabilitation process for your delinquent mortgage.

It’s important to note, however, that the sooner you act, the more options you have. Our counselors are certified and trained to create a plan of action designed just for you and your situation. We don't just offer general advice - we help you take action. Keep in mind that your options will vary depending on your specific circumstances. It’s possible that there may not be a way to prevent a foreclosure that's already in progress. That’s why it’s important to seek help as soon as you begin to struggle. So don’t wait until you feel absolutely desperate - take action as soon as you realize you need help.

Who can benefit?

  • Those worried about making next month's mortgage or rent payment
  • Those who are already behind on their mortgage or rent payments
  • Those worried they may lose their home

The Importance of Housing Counseling for Renters:
Many housing counseling agencies are committed to serving clients that are rent burdened or may be facing eviction. The collection of resources on this page are for housing counselors working with clients to prevent eviction. Families struggling to keep up with rent and utility costs are often living one emergency or misstep away from losing their housing.

Housing counseling agencies play an essential role in reducing evictions by:

Helping clients identify an affordable unit
Providing information to renters on tenant rights and fair housing issues
Counseling on household budgeting and good rental practices
Connecting clients with community resources

Will you talk to my lender?
Your counseling session is completely confidential. We won't speak to any third party unless you ask us to.

The sooner you start, the more options you’ll have
If you're feeling anxiety about your home, the worst thing you can do is nothing. Our foreclosure experts are available 24/7 to help you understand your options and start taking action to avoid a potential foreclosure.

Begin the course online here.


Connect by phone:

Schedule an appointment or begin immediately.

Contact us at 866-889-9347.

Click here to review more neccesary information regarding foreclosure and eviction.

This program provides counseling to consumers on seeking, financing, maintaining, renting, or owning a home. The program also addresses homelessness through counseling and assists homeowners in need of foreclosure assistance.

The servicer must mail you a Notice of Default and Intent to Accelerate. ("Accelerate" means to demand that the entire balance of the loan be repaid). This notice has to give you at least 20 days to cure the default. (Tex. Prop. Code § 51.002(d) (2024).) The breach letter that the servicer sends can satisfy this requirement.

Notice of Sale. After the cure period expires, and at least 21 days before the foreclosure sale, the servicer then mails a Notice of Sale to each borrower. The servicer must also post the Notice of Sale at the courthouse door and file it with the county clerk. (Tex. Prop. Code § 51.002(b) (2024).)

Agencies must provide counseling without charge to persons who demonstrate they cannot afford the fees;
Agencies must inform clients of the fee structure in advance of providing services;
Fees must be commensurate with the level of services provided.

Whether you’ve lost your job, are struggling to make ends meet, or are currently delinquent; don’t wait to contact us.

Federal law generally requires the servicer to wait until the loan is over 120 days delinquent before officially starting a foreclosure. However, in a few situations, like if you violate a due-on-sale clause or if the servicer is joining the foreclosure action of a superior or subordinate lienholder, the foreclosure can begin sooner.

In Texas, the foreclosing lender has to give two notices of the foreclosure: a notice of default and a notice of sale.

Notice of Default and Intent to Accelerate. The servicer must mail you a Notice of Default and Intent to Accelerate. ("Accelerate" means to demand that the entire balance of the loan be repaid). This notice has to give you at least 20 days to cure the default. (Tex. Prop. Code § 51.002(d) (2024).) The breach letter that the servicer sends can satisfy this requirement.

Notice of Sale. After the cure period expires, and at least 21 days before the foreclosure sale, the servicer then mails a Notice of Sale to each borrower. The servicer must also post the Notice of Sale at the courthouse door and file it with the county clerk. (Tex. Prop. Code § 51.002(b) (2024).)


Foreclosure prevention counseling is provided for free. There is no cost and no risk to use this service.

Our experts are available 24/7. Counseling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by telephone so no matter where you live or what time of day you would like to talk with a counselor, they are here to help. If you prefer to meet with a counselor face-to-face, MMI offers in-person counseling by appointment only at branch offices across the country.
Jackie Boies Send email
(866) 550-8004
Helene Raynaud Send email
(866) 889-9347
Updated within the last 1 month.