The Development Services Department regulates land and building development and enforces property maintenance and building-related codes to help maintain a vibrant quality of life for our residents.
We support the City’s economic development by reviewing proposed projects and granting approval to develop land and build commercial and residential structures.
In addition, we coordinate with other City departments and outside agencies to help residents, commercial entities and business owners complete their projects as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The department has the following goals when conducting business with you:
- Cycle Time – Development Services recognizes that time is money. As such, we work hard to ensure we meet our performance goals.
- Consistency and Quality of Service – Development Services has a quality assurance program to ensure that we consistently provide you with great service.
- Customer Service Philosophy of Facilitation – Development Services will partner with you to help you through our permitting process.
by City of San Antonio (COSA), Development Services Department
The San Antonio Property Maintenance Code (SAPMC) applies to all existing structures within the city limits. It defines the minimum requirements and standards and outlines the responsibility of owners, operators, and occupants. Click here for the City's Property Maintenance Code.
Click here to learn about tenant vs. owner responsibilities.
Click here to explore the resident's responsibilities section of the SAPMC.
To report a suspected code violation call 311.
Click here to learn about the code enforcement process.
The City of San Antonio's Affordable Housing Initiative seeks to provide quality affordable housing to all citizens regardless of income level.
Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) have become a source of income to help families remain in their homes while providing affordable housing to the elderly, single-person households, and students.
To qualify:
- Either primary unit or ADU must be reserved for a household earning at or below 80% AMI, and
- Rent may not exceed 30% of household's monthly income. This restriction must remain in place for 5 years after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Click here for a list of requirements that must be met, permit application, incentives, and other helpful information.
- For Landlords
Monday: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM |
Tuesday: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM |
Wednesday: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM |
Thursday: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM |
Friday: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM |
Saturday: CLOSED |
Sunday: CLOSED |