San Antonio Community Resource Directory

EWOP grew out of a long-standing and successful entrepreneurship program for men: the Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) in Texas. The next year, a class of 44 women was selected to participate in the pilot at the Gregory S. Coleman Unit (previously known as Lockhart Correctional Facility).

In 2017, a pilot program was launched to modify PEP’s curriculum, services, and teachings to meet the specific needs of women. In partnership with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and Management Training Corporation, EWOP was launched in the fall of 2019 as a fully separate and whole 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that specifically serves women, to accomplish total transformation from the inside out with -

  • Leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Entrepreneurship

Our mission begins inside the prison system with a rigorous application and screening process of eligible women in the prison. Currently all women incarcerated in Texas are invited to apply. 

The application process is in-depth, including details of past life decisions, desire for transformation, plans for reentry and an expressed need to change. Executive volunteers and EWOP staff conduct applicant interviews and then a scoring system is used to determine participants. All participants must have a high school diploma or completed their GED.  Successful applicants must demonstrate necessary intellect and a willingness to learn, grow as a person and transform their lives.  

Have a question or want to stay informed, click here.

Business Hours are Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Pam Thomure - Executive Director Send email
(806) 632-9521
Bobbie Pacheco - Education Program Coordinator Send email
(806) 632-9521

EWOP's innovative program is designed to transform the lives of women in prison, so that when they leave, they are prepared both for a job search and an alternate path to success: self-employment.

EWOP goes into a correctional facility, where we work directly with women while they serve their sentence. ?The goal? Total transformation from the inside out.

We Create Personal Connection Through Mentorship.
Knowing someone believes in you, that’s powerful. EWOP volunteer mentors and coaches invest deeply in our participants’ success. From the time they meet in prison to after the women are released, participants can count on a support network to help them reach their goals.


Throughout the year, EWOP hosts events for supporters and volunteers to come encourage, educate, and inspire incarcerated women in Texas.

For more information on events and to sign-up for more information about becoming a volunteer, please click here. Click this link for the volunteer opportunities with EWOP.

Your financial support of the women in our program helps to create a domino effect within their family unit. EWOP women go on to teach their children to be strong, to persevere, and to value education. 
By donating, you help ensure the continuation of our mission and programs. Your one-time scholarship or monthly gift directly impacts their success when they reenter society.
Business Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Bobbie Pacheco Send email
(806) 632-9521
Updated within the last year