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1.08 miles away,
208 W Euclid Ave, San Antonio, TX, 78212
, D1
Healthy Relationships is a multisession, small-group, skills-building program for men and women living with HIV/AIDS. The program is designed to reduce participants’ stress related to safer sexual behaviors and disclosure of their serostatus to family, friends, and sex partners. The program is based on social cognitive theory, which states that people learn by observing others successfully practicing new behavior.
- Defining stress and reinforcing coping skills with HIV-positive people across three life areas:
- Disclosing to family and friends
- Disclosing to sex partners and
- Building healthier and safer relationships
- Using modeling, role-play, and feedback to teach and practice skills related to coping with stress.
- Teaching decision-making skills around the issue of disclosure of HIV status.
- We provide participants with personal feedback reports to motivate a change in risky behaviors and continuance of protective behaviors.
- We use popular movie clips to set up disclosure and risk-reduction scenarios to stimulate discussions and role-plays.
Click here for more information or to register.
Updated within the last 4 months.