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1.99 miles away,
2701 S Presa St, San Antonio, TX, 78210
, D5
This center provides programs to help seniors lead active, independent, and engaged lives. This is done through comprehensive nutrition, wellness, and education services.
Services include:
- A daily lunchtime meal.
- Transportation services to eligible seniors living within a 5-mile radius of the center.
Programs and activities include:
- Exercise classes
- Drawing and painting classes.
- Dance classes
- Field trips
- Health and education
- Percussion group
- Walking group
To become eligible to attend this center and participate in services, individuals must reside in Bexar County and meet one of the following criteria:
- 60 years and older.
- Under 60 years married to a 60+ participant who attends the center and accompanies the participant to the center.
- Under 60 years, disabled, and resides with a 60+ participant and accompanies the participant to the center (only applicable to the HEAL Meal Program).
Connectivity Resources
- Free Wi-Fi
- Free Computer Use
Bertha Franklin
Maria Andrade
Updated within the last 2 months.