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We invite anyone in need of a working computer to complete the application. We have a full list of the causes we support (causes) with our main emphasis being the assistance of; students, teachers, and parents, the elderly, foster homes, shelters, disabled US veterans and struggling military families, and like-minded nonprofit organizations.

We do a strict need assessment, background and reference check, which helps us eliminate false requests and benefit those truly in need. If you or your nonprofit truly “are in need” and we are able to help, we will certainly contact you. Sometimes this can be weeks, so please be patient. We have a limited volunteer staff and strive to meet all application demands in a timely manner.

Please complete the form found here and tell us why you are a candidate for a gifted computer.

Also be advised that if you are currently receiving assistance from one or more of these sources (TANF, SSI, SSDI, Welfare, Food Stamps, etc..) acceptance of tangible property, gifts, financial assistance or services (additional income) may affect or terminate your current benefits.

After the application is submitted, we will review the information provided, then review our inventory, and if we are able to assist you then you will be contacted within 30 days. All applications are valid for 30 days, so if you do not hear from us within that time frame then you can apply again.


Connectivity Resources
  • Free or Affordable Computers
Updated within the last 4 months.