by Hill Country Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse - HCCADA
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI)
The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) is a brief, easily administered questionnaire that attempts to determine if key features of drug abuse are present in an individual. Screening indicates whether the problem of drug abuse is likely to be present. SASSIs are scheduled on an individual basis.
Offered virtually through our San Antonio office, see more information.
Full Alcohol & Drug Abuse Assessment In State/Out of State
Assessment is a thorough evaluation that establishes the presence or absence of a diagnosable drug abuse problem. Assessments are scheduled on an individual basis.
Offered virtually through our San Antonio office, see more information.
All SASSI and Alcohol and Drug Assessments appointments must be scheduled in advance. We are unable to take walk-ins at this time. Individuals may call (210)-225-4741 to schedule an appointment.
For more information, please, contact us.
All assessments must be paid in advance. No refund for missed sessions.
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) - $80.00.
Full Alcohol & Drug Abuse Assessment, In-State - $200.00
Full Alcohol & Drug Abuse Assessment, Out of State - $250.00.
Evaluation for the Texas Board of Law Examiners $250
Click here for more information