Victory Outreach Church (Faith / Christian )

Our Mission is Simple: Love God & Love People

Victory Outreach Church has been dedicated to one goal… reaching the people of the inner cities. It has only been possible through the generosity of God’s people.

Weekly Service Times: Sunday: 11:00 AM Wdnesday: 7:30 PM
Luis Molina - Pastor

The Home provides a free residential, Christian environment for men and women. The purpose of the Home is to reclaim, redeem, and restore lives that have been destroyed or disrupted by drugs, alcohol, and/or other substance abuse by establishing three essential values:

  • a commitment to Christ
  • restoration of the family
  • a positive work ethic

The goal of Victory Outreach San Antonio Christian Recovery Homes is to reach those affected by the scourges of urban life including drug and alcohol addiction, gang involvement, and prostitution.


Updated within the last 5 months.