We raise the necessary funds to provide HOH/deaf children/teens the tools and resources to help them find personal success. Whether that be through resources such as FM systems or hearing aids, through resources such as speech therapy or learning ASL, or through learning about Jesus through Deaf Young Life events and camps.
Through our social outings and fundraisers, we have raised funds for our mission, but also brought the community together. Every event we are a part of is fully deaf and hard-of-hearing accessible with live captioning and interpreters. Through our partnerships with industry professionals, ministry leaders, educators and the hearing loss community we have been able to bring about change in an unprecedented way.
We provide 6 areas of resources:
- Hearing aids
- FM systems
- ASL lessons (family or individual)
- Speech therapy
- Deaf Young Life Registration for Christian-based summer camps
Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Friday: CLOSED |
Saturday: CLOSED |
Sunday: CLOSED |
Financially assists deaf educators with classroom accommodations, supplies and equipment, outreach inclusion, and training and conference fees.
Click here for registration and a list of FAQS.
Educators/administrators of deaf/hard-of-hearing children/teens ages 0–22 (high school completion)
- Who teaches music and arts
- Who teaches core subjects, most especially reading and language arts
- Those who have facilities, supplies, and resources but need additional resources for classroom enrichment
Aid the Silent considers applications for financial support from educators who work with deaf/hard-of-hearing children/teens ages 2-18
- On necessary independent speech therapy sessions or American Sign Language lessons
- On language acquisition and literacy
- In the study and performance of music
- In the research and creation of the arts
- Are willing to work in collaboration with Aid the Silent to retrieve data
- Are eager to report Aid the Silent on the pre-and post-program implementation to ensure its success
Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Friday: CLOSED |
Saturday: CLOSED |
Sunday: CLOSED |
Provides financial assistance for communication resources such as hearing aids, assistive communication devices, sign language lessons, speech therapy, etc.
Between the ages of birth and 22 years old (while in high school)
Medically diagnosed with hearing loss
Must prove financial hardship
Click here to apply for resources.
Monday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Friday: CLOSED |
Saturday: CLOSED |
Sunday: CLOSED |
Deaf Young Life (DYL) is taking place in San Antonio, Texas, to reach deaf and hard-of-hearing teenagers. DYL allows these teens to experience the Gospel and interact with others who share the same hearing loss story.
Click here to register for Deaf Young Life or to volunteer.
Click here to apply for the Camp Scholarship.
To book Emma Faye, call 830-249-1744 or email [email protected].