UpTogether (Nonprofit )
1480.60 miles away, Box 71363, Oakland, CA, 94612

UpTogether is a community, a movement, and a platform to highlight, invest in, and accelerate the initiatives people in historically undervalued communities are taking to improve their lives and move up, together.

Jesús Gerena - CEO
Online and Virtual Assistance

Want to help your friends, family, and neighbors reach their goals — and get capital — so you can all move up, together?

At UpTogether, we believe every person is an expert in their own life.

After listening to and learning from thousands of families over the past 20 years, we know people can and will move up together when they are recognized for their initiative, supported for their self-determination, and provided access to resources according to their strengths, not deficits.

UpTogether members are parents and caregivers, entrepreneurs and community organizers, college graduates and homeowners, Boomers, and Millennials, and much, much more, all working together to accomplish the goals they have set for themselves, both individually and collectively. There is a richness in the diversity their lived experiences bring to the UpTogether Community.

When it comes to race and ethnicity, UpTogether Community members are more similar. Our membership is reflective of the reality we face in America with Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC), experiencing low wealth and poverty at a disproportionate rate. This is due to systemic racism in the form of discriminatory policies and practices, and not individual behaviors or cultural characteristics. With this in mind and a focus on centering equity, the overwhelming majority of UpTogether Community members are also part of the BIPOC community.

Want to learn more about our members, how they use their UpTogether investments, and what they’re doing in their communities? Click here.

To join the UpTogether Community, click here and create an account.

Updated within the last 3 months.