HRSA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

HRSA programs provide equitable health care to people who are geographically isolated and economically or medically vulnerable. This includes programs that deliver health services to people with HIV, pregnant people, mothers, and their families, those with low incomes, residents of rural areas, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and those otherwise unable to access high-quality health care.

HRSA programs also support health infrastructure, including training health professionals and distributing them to areas where they are needed most, providing financial support to health care providers, and advancing telehealth.

In addition, HRSA oversees programs for providing discounts on prescription drugs to safety net providers, facilitating organ, bone marrow, and cord blood transplantation, compensating individuals injured by a vaccination, and maintaining data on healthcare malpractice payments.

Carole Johnson - Administrator
Online and Virtual Assistance

24/7, Free, Confidential Hotline for Pregnant and New Moms in English and Spanish.

Pregnancy and a new baby can bring a range of emotions. Many new moms feel overwhelmed, sad, anxious, or exhausted at different times during their pregnancy or after the baby is born.

Sometimes these feelings go away on their own. But if these feelings last for more than two weeks, and make it hard to carry out daily tasks, like caring for themselves or their family, a mom may have perinatal depression or anxiety. These are common and treatable health conditions during or after pregnancy. And that's why a new mom, or those supporting them, should reach out right away for help.

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline can help. Call or text 1-833-943-5746 (1-833-9-HELP4MOMS). TTY users can use a preferred relay service or dial 711 and then 1-833-943-5746.

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy. The Hotline offers callers:

  • Phone or text access to professional counselors
  • Real-time support and information
  • Response within a few minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Resources
  • Referrals to local and telehealth providers and support groups
  • Culturally sensitive support
  • Counselors who speak English and Spanish
  • Interpreter services in 60 languages

