Wildaplat Christian Fellowship was founded in 2016 to engage modern culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While this is the goal of the Christian Church at large, small organizations like Wildaplat can often accomplish propagation of the Gospel in ways not easily achieved by typical church bodies. The stated goals of Wildaplat in its charter document are:

  • Planning, facilitating and conducting worship gatherings and outreach efforts
  • Combating injustice by addressing the needs of the poor and underserved
  • Supporting the work of various other Christian ministries.

Wildaplat Christian Fellowship is therefore committed to worship, discipleship, and the meeting of needs of those who lack knowledge in care of their spirits and their physical bodies. Worship in this sense can be in the form of individual praise, prayer, and work accomplished to the glory of God; or in the form of many individuals meeting together to accomplish the same purposes.  Discipleship in the above sense will consist of teaching of spiritual truth according to the Gospel of Christ—either in the printed word or in the form of verbal spiritual teaching by individuals or groups of individuals committed to the above goals. Combating injustice and addressing suffering in the above sense will be accomplished by individuals or groups of individuals who provide physical and educational resources to those who are in need. The participants in activities of Wildaplat Christian Fellowship offer spiritual and physical blessings to each other and to those in their communities through provision of legal, medical, financial, and spiritual education—all given freely to the glory of God.

Wildaplat Christian Fellowship is therefore committed to worship, discipleship, and the meeting of needs of those who lack knowledge in care of their spirits and their physical bodies. Worship in this sense can be in the form of individual praise, prayer, and work accomplished to the glory of God; or in the form of many individuals meeting together to accomplish the same purposes. Discipleship in the above sense will consist of teaching of spiritual truth according to the Gospel of Christ—either in the printed word or in the form of verbal spiritual teaching by individuals or groups of individuals committed to the above goals. Combating injustice and addressing suffering in the above sense will be accomplished by individuals or groups of individuals who provide physical and educational resources to those who are in need. The participants in activities of Wildaplat Christian Fellowship offer spiritual and physical blessings to each other and to those in their communities through provision of legal, medical, financial, and spiritual education—all given freely to the glory of God.

Daniel Player - Co-Founder
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Daniel Player